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Articolo contenuto in Vol. 99 Anno 2022 --> Fasc. 1

Union with God through the intellectus agens and the unum in nobis in Dietrich of Freiberg and Berthold of Moosburg


No other author received Dietrich von Freiberg as much as Berthold von Moosburg. Between the two German Dominicans there are both similarities and differences on the important question of the possibility of man’s union with God. Both attribute an important role to the intellect in this union, but for Berthold the «One in us» plays the decisive role. Unlike Dietrich’s theory, Berthold’s theory contains ecstatic, affective, and ascetic components. An important reason for Berthold’s independence from Dietrich on the question of the unio is Berthold’s more intensive preoccupation with Proclus, Dionysius and the Dionysian tradition.

Relatively little is known about the Bavarian Dominican Berthold of Moosburg. Around 1340 he seems to have been temporarily in charge of the studium generalis of the Dominicans in Cologne. Later, for several years, he exercised the office of vicar of the Natio Bavariae for his province of Teutonia. The last news we have about Berthold dates from 1361. Around the middle of the 14th century he wrote his monumental Expositio super Elementationem theologicam Procli. It is the only work of Berthold that has come down to us and the first western commentary on the Elementatio theologica translated into Latin by William of Moerbeke in 1268. Formally, the commentary is strongly marked by a compiling method. After three comparatively long introductions, Berthold comments on the 211 paragraphs of the Elementatio theologica. He divides most of these 211 paragraphs into a suppositum, a propositum, and a commentum. In the suppositum, he clarifies basic concepts and their relationships, knowledge of which, in his view, is necessary for understanding the paragraph. In the propositum he deepens the thesis of Proclus on the basis of individual questions. And finally, in the commentum, Berthold offers a literal commentary of the reasoning that Proclus attached to each thesis. The content of the Expositio identifies Berthold as a representative of the Cologne/Albert School, whose terminology and views of causality and intellect he received and independently developed.


Pubblicazione Primavera 2022

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